Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning (Psalm 30:5)

Perhaps when you were a child, you experienced nights that you were terrified. Because of sounds outside the home or inside your mind, you stayed frozen under the covers in fear. The only comfort was knowing that the morning will come, and it did.

As a follower of Jesus the morning always follows the night. David experienced great suffering and sorrow from his enemies but also his own sin and failures. To this day, the world experiences the suffering, sin and righteous judgement caused by it’s own rebellion against God. Yet, for the follower of Jesus the story does not end there. God Himself entered into this world suffering in “the night” by dying on the cross for our sins. His resurrection is your guarantee that your night, no matter how long it is, will end in bright morning where there will be great joy forever (v11). This truth frees you to live today with gratitude and thanksgiving to God because the night is almost over and the day is quickly coming.