Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. (Psalm 32:1)
As you experience life with many freedoms removed, there’s a greater freedom that we need. It’s the freedom to walk openly with God. No hiding. That only comes through experiencing His forgiveness. David needed forgiveness. He tasted of freedom as the King of Israel that most of us only read about. Yet, he could not free himself from the power of sin in his life. David, like us, needed a savior. He cried out to God and acknowledged his wrongdoing. Having received forgiveness, he feasted on great joy (v11).
Jesus, the Son of David, not only covered our sin but removed it far from us. Not only did He take the penalty for our rebellion on the cross, but He has broken the power of sin over our lives in order to walk freely in obedience to Him. We look forward to the day when God will fully remove the presence of sin in our lives. As we look forward to the return of Jesus, live openly before God confessing your sins and receiving His grace to enjoy and serve Him today. Join with other followers of Jesus to support you. Click Here