Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! (Psalm 33:2)

As the month of April comes to a close, and we are still experiencing stay-at-home orders, it’s easy to focus on what we don’t have or experience. It may have been more tempting to grumble and complain over the past few days. We need Psalm 33 to remind us to give thanks to God even in our current circumstances. The Psalmist encourages us to think on God’s attributes. He is a speaking-God who only speaks what is right and true when fears flood your mind (v4-9). He is a sovereign God who is in complete control even in this pandemic (v10-12). He is an all-seeing God, who sees you in your need ( v13-15). And He is a redeeming God, who rescues you from death (v16-19) 

When you feel discouraged because or your present circumstance, reflect on the attributes of God and thank Him with a song.