In God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me? (Psalm 56:11)
David was not oblivious to the dangers around him, nor did he take them lightly when he writes that “I shall not be afraid.” In fact, he acknowledges that he was afraid (v3). But his fear led Him to courage. How so? He trusted in God, but more specifically He trusted in God’s word (v4).
Trusting in Jesus is trusting what He says about Himself and what He says about us. He promises to be with us to the end of this age (Matthew 28:20). He promises to give us the ability to be content in Him in any circumstance (Philippians 4:13) . He promises to strengthen our faith through the hard stuff of life (1 Peter 1:6). He promises to bring us home safely (John 14:3). Because God always keeps His word, you can trust in Him. Spend time thanking Him today for His great care over your life. Join us today for our Sunday Service stream on Youtube or Facebook. Link in bio.