But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. (Psalm 66:19)

There are times in life when we need someone to talk to and when we call that trusted family member or friend, they were not there for us. Whether intentional or not, you probably experienced times in your life where you felt as if no one knows what you are going through and no one cares. God does and if you are His child, He hears your prayers. 

He may not answer our prayers the way that we expect, but we can know that He will do what is for our ultimate good. When Jesus told His disciples that He would be betrayed and crucified, Peter took Him aside to rebuke Him. God had a much bigger plan than Peter’s, the salvation of His people. Like Peter, you may expect God to respond to you in a way that you expect only to find out that God did the complete opposite. Yet in the big picture, and one you probably do not fully see, God’s way of responding to your prayer is exactly what you needed even though you did not realize it at the time.