With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand. (Psalm 78:72)

The psalm begins with an encouragement for adults to teach their children, so that their keiki would have the knowledge of God (v1-8). From there, the psalmist describes the continual faithlessness and corruption of God’s people towards Him. God led His people out of bondage from Egypt. He provided for them in the desert. The Lord brought them into the land He promised them. Yet, God’s people kept turning away from Him. Their disobedience eventually led them into exile, where they were taken away from their land and made captive by foreign nations. 

Despite the unfaithfulness of God’s people, God remained faithful to them by providing David as their king, who loved God and His people. But even David had shortcomings. God would again provide for His rebellious people through a “greater” David. Jesus, the Son of David, would come not only to be with His people, but to lay down His life for them. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10) laid down His life for His sheep and will guide us with “his skillful hand” with an “upright heart.”  Rest today knowing that your life is in Jesus’ hands.