Cause us to return, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved! (Psalm 80:3)
What does it mean for God to shine His face upon His people? This phrase is used in many parts of the Bible, so to read it in it’s context is key. In this verse and chapter, God’s face shining upon his people means to them that God draws those who have been straying from Him back to Himself.
God’s people had turned their backs on God. Due to their rebellion against Him, God’s people were taken into exile from their land and oppressed by surrounding nations. Yet, God did not abandon them. He would graciously bring them back into their land. This moment in Israel’s history encourages us that as God’s redeemed people, He brings us back to Himself when we stray from Him. Perhaps you feel distant from God. Perhaps even running away from Him. You may not have the strength to return to God on your own. You need the Spirit’s power. Pray like the psalmist, that God would cause you to return to Him and experience His saving love in your life.