Oh sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth! (Psalm 96:1)
In the Bible, God’s people sang new songs after they experienced God’s salvation and redemption in their lives. The Israelites sang a new song after God delivered them from their enemies and brought them through the Red Sea (Exodus 15). David sang a new song when God rescued him out of the pit of destruction (Psalm 40). And in Revelation 5, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders worshiped Jesus with a new song praising Him for His redemptive work on behalf of His people. In this psalm, the author encourages Israel to sing a new song in light of God’s salvation (v2), sovereignty (10), and perfect judgement (13).
We too sing a new song. It is the message of the Gospel we personally received: that the Father has made a way for us to return to Him through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. As we experience this new life in Christ, the Holy Spirit empowers us to enjoy Him and share Him with others. Jesus saves us each day from living an empty life. He saves us from attempting to earn His love (which we can only receive). And He saves us from the power of sin in our lives. There is so much to sing to God for! Let’s make time today to praise Him