The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! (Psalm 97:1)

Abraham Kyper wrote, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” God’s rule over everything should lead us to be stoked. From the continents, to our islands, to the seas God rules over all. What this means is God not only cares about all the intricate details of our lives such as our health, relationships and well-being, but He also has authority over all those details too. 

This truth frees us to live life boldly because God is in control but we also live intentionally since everything we do matters. Because God reigns over all, we know with certainty that He will preserve our lives (v10), which does not exempt us from suffering but ensures that He we bring us Home. What is challenging in your life today? Praise God that He reigns even in that circumstance and is working all things together for you growth to be more like Jesus.