Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! (Psalm 105:4)
If God is near to everything and to everyone, why do we need to “seek his presence continually?” In one sense, He is with us all the time. Jesus Himself told his followers that He is with them to the end of history (Matthew 28:2). The Holy Spirit lives in all who are truly God’s children (Galatians 4:6). Yet, His children often miss out on experiencing God because they forget about Him. There are times when my kids are playing in the house, and they forget that I’m in the same room as them. If something scares them or they get into conflict with one another, they call for me only to turn around and realize that I am right there with them!
We get like that too with our Heavenly Father. That is why we need to seek Him continually. We do that through gifts such as Bible intake, prayer, serving others and singing to Him. God has also given us the gift of the church to help us seek Him. If you are seeking God alone, don’t miss out on the gift of God’s community. Join us today for in-person service or online (link in bio).