Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. (Psalm 121:4)
One of the sweet memories growing up was in the evenings. When I went to bed, beneath the closed door I could see the lights still on in the other rooms. Although I feared the night, I could sleep because my parents were still awake.
In the craziness of life and in the uncertainties of current events, we can lie down in peace because God does not slumber nor sleep. This psalm, which is a part of the “Songs of Ascent,” which were sung by God’s people as they left exile to go up to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. Along the way there were many dangers from enemies and temptations to trust in other gods. Yet, the psalmist quickly responds that his trust is in His creator God (v2).
What keeps you up at night? What circumstances in your life cause you to shudder? Like the psalmist, put your trust in God who always sees you and has the power to cause you to preserve you in hardships so that your faith shines brighter than gold refined in fire (1 Peter 1:7). Spend time praying through this psalm, letting the truths about God sink deep into your heart.