I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” (Psalm 122:1)

The psalmist longs for the day when he can worship the Lord along with the people of God. Not only does he long for the place, but for the the Messiah, who comes in the line of David (v5). The Christ will bring peace to Jerusalem. The Christ did come many years later, but Jerusalem did not recognize Him. Rather they rejected the Messiah (Luke 13:34).

But for those of us who received the Messiah, we gather together, not in a physical temple, but as a group of redeemed rebels to worship the Risen King who lived, died and rose again. We look forward to the heavenly city (Hebrews 11:16), in which each passing day brings us closer to it. In the meantime, let’s invite others who we meet along the way, to trust in Jesus and join us in going to the “house of the Lord.”