Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! (Psalm 130:1)

Psalm 130 is a helpful guide to instructing us to go from where we are to where we need to be. It begins with a desperate cry for mercy (v1-2). Then a realization of our sinfulness and guilt before a perfect God, but also a compassionate and merciful God who provides forgiveness (v3-4). Then a patient endurance (v5-6) that ends in public praise. 

If you are a follower of Jesus, like the psalmist you recognized your rebellion against your Creator and need for forgiveness. The salvation that the Old Testament believers anticipated has come in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. In Him is “steadfast love” and “plentiful redemption.” As we grow in marveling at the Lord crucifixion and resurrection, let us say to others like the psalmist, “Hope in the Lord!”