Go All In

November 28, 2021
Jesus calls us to go "all in" as His disciples. We will explore what this looks like. Visit harbornuuanu.org for more info about our church Reach us at [email protected]

Go Now

September 5, 2021
Jesus sends us out with the Good News to share. Come join us as we learn how we are equipped and empowered by the Spirit to go and make disciples of all the nations. Reach us at [email protected] Visit harbornuuanu.org for more info about our church

Focus on Your Work

July 19, 2020
We are all called to focus on the work of making disciples. As followers of Jesus, we need to be believe the Gospel, be shaped by the Gospel and share the Gospel with others.

Focus on the Battle

July 12, 2020
We are in spiritual battle to love God with all of our lives and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Join us in exploring 7 ways to engage in this battle.