Don't you love pleasant surprises? A year-end bonus you weren't expecting, or the bonus fries at the bottom of the McDonald's bag? Being in Christ is like that. At the beginning we think it's just about a restored relationship with God and a ticket to heaven. But it's so much more! This Sunday we'll see the unexpected blessings we receive when we're walking with Jesus.
We all have hopes for our lives. From healthy and flourishing families, to financial stability, to your favorite sports team winning the championship. These desires have something in common: they are not guaranteed to happen. But one hope we can count on is the return of King Jesus to make everything right in our world. That's the hope we need.
The final judgment depicted in Revelation sounds terrifying, and it should be for those without Jesus. But for those of us who’ve put our trust in Christ, it’s good news of how God will finally free us from the destructive effects of sin in the world.
Maybe you've heard the phrase, "Be in the world, but not of the world." But what does that really mean, and how do we live that out?
John is told about two witnesses who represent God’s people. They are given authority to do powerful signs, but they also experience intense persecution and death. Yet, God breathes his life to resurrect these victims for Christ and lead them into victory.
In these chapters, John sees the seven trumpets of judgment executed on one-third of the earth. Each judgment intensifies from the other.