Sermons by Series
A study through 2 TimothyFor Such a Time as This
God Became
God Knows
How To Be Happy
In The Spirit
Life Hacks
On The Move
Power of Love
Join us as we explore the power and love of Jesus.Pursued
Raised For This
The Fight
The Gift
The Triumph
The Victory
God is presently working in our lives and in the lives of those around us. In the Gospel of Luke, we are encouraged to engage in God's work right now.Unity
How do we live out the unity that we share in Christ?
Sermons by Bible Book
When it comes to spiritual gifts, Christians can tend to focus on how their gifts can build up their own lives. But Paul will encourage us that our spiritual gifts are not ultimately about us.
Why do we take communion every week at Harbor? Because it’s a powerful way for us to experience unity with God and each other through the blood of Christ. If you know someone who’s frustrated by divisions in the church, invite them to join us this Sunday at our 10:00AM service.
Have you ever been really excited about starting something new, only for it to leave a bitter taste in your mouth? Sometimes this could be the result of discontentment in the heart. Paul explains that contentment is not something that God magically anoints you with, but it’s something that's learned overtime.
Paul challenges several popular sayings of the day that were negatively influencing the Corinthians believers view of their bodies and sex. He then points them to the gospel, and how Christ purchased their bodies with his blood, showing how much God values their bodies.
Conflict is guaranteed whenever a bunch of sinners like us come together. The only question is how we’ll respond to that conflict. Will it separate us or strengthen us? This week Paul will show us how to redeem conflict.
This is the month every year where the differences between Christianity and our culture are made clear. How do we respond to sin in the world? In the church? In ourselves? Paul will help us thread this needle with courageous love and unashamed truth.
We’ve heard it in the Bible, from parents, and from coaches and mentors: There’s benefits that come with being humble. The problem is that true humility is really hard! So we often settle for substitutes like self-sufficiency or conflict-avoidance. So what does true humility look like, and how do we pursue it?
Psychologists say the average high schooler today experiences more anxiety than the average psychiatric patient in the 1950’s. Nearly half of us take sleeping pills nightly to calm our nerves. Rising anxiety and insecurity are keeping many of us from reaching our full potential, but knowing and appreciating what we have in Christ will give us confidence to grow, serve, and lead.
Are you frustrated by the lack of spiritual maturity in your life? Or maybe you are excited, but unsure of what growing as a Christian looks like? This Sunday's passage is for you. Paul's going to show us what it means to grow in Christ.
Don't you love pleasant surprises? A year-end bonus you weren't expecting, or the bonus fries at the bottom of the McDonald's bag? Being in Christ is like that. At the beginning we think it's just about a restored relationship with God and a ticket to heaven. But it's so much more! This Sunday we'll see the unexpected blessings we receive when we're walking with Jesus.
What if you were defined by your most embarrassing moment? God purposefully chose to be defined by his most shameful and weak moment, the death of his son on the cross. And when we imitate Christ in his weakness and humility, we gain the power of Christ through his Holy Spirit.
How do you handle messiness in life? Stress over it? Ignore it? Confront it? Embrace it? Well, we’re about to get to know the messiest folks in the New Testament, the Corinthians. They were a hot mess, and Paul waded into the mess with them. Why? Because messiness is a sign of life! Only dead people and dead churches have no messes. Paul will help us see that the way to overcome messiness in our lives (whether it’s sin, conflict, or confusion) is to remember who were are in Christ.
It seems like everyone’s tired right now. Everything that was canceled or delayed during COVID is dropping on us all at once. Our schedules seem more crazy than they’ve ever been. That’s why it’s good news that Jesus offers rest even in the chaos, and we can pass that rest on to others.
When we think about justice, we tend to focus on the aspect of judging the wrongdoer. But the other side of justice is restoring the bruised and the broken. That’s what the Servant of the Lord does for his people.
We’re closing the book of Revelation with a bang! John’s giving us more thrilling glimpses of our eternal future with Jesus, and reminding us that this exhilarating future is coming sooner than we think.
The trees are being parted as we make our way into the golden city, the New Heaven and the New Earth. Many people are hesitant about living forever in heaven, but John will help us look forward to our ridiculously bright future with excitement.
What’s your idea of heaven on earth? You might have had a little taste at a beautiful place or with a loving group of people. But we’ll get the ultimate taste of heaven on earth when Jesus comes to reign on earth for 1000 years at the end of this age.
Sermons by Series
A study through 2 TimothyFor Such a Time as This
God Became
God Knows
How To Be Happy
In The Spirit
Life Hacks
On The Move
Power of Love
Join us as we explore the power and love of Jesus.Pursued
Raised For This
The Fight
The Gift
The Triumph
The Victory
God is presently working in our lives and in the lives of those around us. In the Gospel of Luke, we are encouraged to engage in God's work right now.Unity
How do we live out the unity that we share in Christ?