Sermons by Series
A study through 2 TimothyFor Such a Time as This
God Became
God Knows
How To Be Happy
In The Spirit
Life Hacks
On The Move
Power of Love
Join us as we explore the power and love of Jesus.Pursued
Raised For This
The Fight
The Gift
The Triumph
The Victory
God is presently working in our lives and in the lives of those around us. In the Gospel of Luke, we are encouraged to engage in God's work right now.Unity
How do we live out the unity that we share in Christ?
Sermons by Bible Book
When we experience God's greatness, we honor Him rightly. Come learn with us how this truth affects our lives.
How do we grow in experiencing God love afresh? Come join us as we begin a new series in the book of Malachi.
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Come hear about four benefits we can experience in the Spirit immediately.
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Jesus is not only our example on how to overcome temptation, but He is also our means to overcome.
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We are all looking for the "answer" to fix the issues in our lives, nation and world. Join us as we see why the Son of God is uniquely qualified for this task.
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When it comes to growth, we often don't think of repentance as essential to it, but it is. Come join us as we explore what repentance is and how to grow in it.
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Jesus grew up as the perfect God-Man, experiencing the favor of the Father. Come join us as we learn what Jesus' growth means for us and our progress through life.
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Come join us as we explore four truths about our salvation in Jesus and why that's good news.
Come join us as we explore what the Messiah brings us and how we should respond to Him.
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Come join us as we celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus and what that means for us.
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Come join us as we learn about God's redemptive work in our lives.
How do we respond to God's work in our lives? Come join us as we explore how.
We all need God's compassion. Come join us as we grow in experiencing God's mercy together.
We all experience great change and intimidating circumstances in life. Yet, in it all God is with us. Come join us to grow in what God's presence gives.
In a time of uncertainty, we need a hope that we can rely on. Come join us as we begin a new series in the Gospel of Luke.
In a year characterized by division and hostility, the church has an opportunity to reflect unity that the world is looking for.
No matter what we have or don't have, we can praise God where we are. Come join us as we learn how.
Come join us as we are encouraged in Psalm 51 to go to God with our guilt and shame.
We all experience disappointments in life. Come join us as we learn how to honor God in our disappointments.
Come join us as we explore what takes away and what fuels our contentment in God.
Sermons by Series
A study through 2 TimothyFor Such a Time as This
God Became
God Knows
How To Be Happy
In The Spirit
Life Hacks
On The Move
Power of Love
Join us as we explore the power and love of Jesus.Pursued
Raised For This
The Fight
The Gift
The Triumph
The Victory
God is presently working in our lives and in the lives of those around us. In the Gospel of Luke, we are encouraged to engage in God's work right now.Unity
How do we live out the unity that we share in Christ?